Magsoft Corporation


It is very important to study your device's behavior at resonance because electrical and mechanical characteristics reach extreme values at resonance. For example, displacements, stress levels, and electrical admittance display maximum values at resonance, and they contain extremely important information about your device.

ATILA allows you to define loss angles for every coefficient (mechanical, dielectric, magnetic, etc.) of the matrices that describe your materials. Figure 9 shows the Von Mises criterion for a sector of an ultrasonic ring-shaped motor stator. The Von Mises criterion is a quantity that is widely used by designers to see if the materials of the structure remain in their elastic domain.

Figure 9

The admittance curve gives the current consumption, quality factor, and a good estimate of the force factor of the device. You can use other curves and shade maps to find the displacement values, the electric or magnetic fields, etc.

Using ATILA to evaluate and optimize any active device is easy, fast and accurate especially because you can compute the real characteristics of the device at resonance.

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Magsoft Corporation
1223 Peoples Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: (518) 271-1352
Fax: (518) 276-6380